AngularJS: ng-show vs display:none AngularJS: ng-show vs display:none angularjs angularjs

AngularJS: ng-show vs display:none

One way to make it work in your case would be using ng-class where in case when element should be visible you can apply class with correct display property i.e. display: block and if you suffer from slow bootstrap you can use ng-cloak check documentation here

Another simple alternative

style="{{show_element?'display:block !important':'display:none !important'}}"

If you are just trying to hide the item so that you don't get a flash on-load, then instead of using the .item class set to display:none, you could simply set a class of .ng-hide to the element with ng-show on.

The AngularJS directive ng-show works by adding or removing a class of .ng-hide to the DOM element. The .ng-hide class applies the rule display: none !important;

<div class="ng-hide" ng-show="showElement">...</div>