AngularJS, promise with recursive function AngularJS, promise with recursive function angularjs angularjs

AngularJS, promise with recursive function

EDIT - 11/11/2015 There is a much cleaner way if you don't care about notify:

loadSection2 = function (){    var apiURL = "http://..."    return $http.get(apiURL)        .then(function(response){            loadCount++;                    if (loadCount < 10) {                newSectionArray.push(;                return loadSection2();            }            loadCount = 0;        });};

Old answer available here:

You could continuously pass the promise all the way through.

loadSection2 = function(deferred) {    if(!deferred){        deferred = $q.defer();    }    var apiURL = "http://..."    $http({        method: "GET",        url: apiURL    }).success(function(result, status, headers, config) {        console.log(result);        loadCount++;        if(loadCount < 10) {            newSectionArray.push(result);            loadSection2(deferred);         } else {            loadCount = 0;            deferred.resolve();            return deferred.promise;        }    }).error(function() {        return deferred.reject();    });    deferred.notify();    return deferred.promise;};

I wanted to make a solution that doesn't pass "deferred" variable around and even though I wouldn't say it is a better approach, it works and I learned a from it (jsfiddle).

19/Aug/14 - Updated the code to a much shorter version by removing the creation of another promise in f1(). I hope that it is clear how it relates to the original question. If it isn't let me know in a comment.

f1().then(function() {    console.log("done");});function f1(counter) {    if (!counter) {        counter = 0;    }    counter++;    console.log(counter);    return asyncFunc().then(function() {        if (counter < 10) {            return f1(counter);        } else {            return;        }    });}function asyncFunc() {    var deferred = $q.defer();    $timeout(function() {        deferred.resolve();    }, 100);    return deferred.promise;}


Recursion is totally viable but not a particularly "promisy" approach.

Given that you have deferreds/promises available, you can dynamically build a .then() chain, which delivers a promise of a populated array.

function loadSection2(arr) {    return $http({        method: "GET",        url: "http://..."    }).then(function(result, status, headers, config) {        console.log(result);        arr.push(result);        return arr;//make the array available to the next call to loadSection2().    }, function() {        console.log("GET error");        return $q.defer().resolve(arr).promise;//allow the chain to continue, despite the error.        //or I think $q's .then() allows the much simpler form ...        //return arr; //allow the chain to continue, despite the error.    });};var newSectionPromise = $q.defer().resolve([]).promise;//note that the deferred is resolved with an anonymous new array.//Now we build a .then() chain, ten long, ...for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {    newSectionPromise = newSectionPromise.then(loadSection2);}// ... and do something with the populated array when the GETs have done their thing.newSectionPromise().then(function(arr) {    console.log(arr.length + " new sections loaded, start adding to document");    addContent(arr);}, function() {    console.log("ERROR CALLBACK");}).then(function() {    loadScrollActive = false;});


What was newSectionArray is now created anonymously and passed down the .then() chain regardless of success/failure of the individual GETs, emerging as arr in the final .then's success handler, where it is passed to addContent(). This avoids the need for member newSectionArray in the outer scope.

Rearranging slightly, loadSection2 could be made anonymous, further reducing the number of members added to the outer scope.

The need for an explicit notification disappears as :

  • there is no longer a master deferred to be notified
  • console.log(result); in the GET success handler provides all the notification necessary.