AngularJS: route to /page/:id and show id's information? AngularJS: route to /page/:id and show id's information? angularjs angularjs

AngularJS: route to /page/:id and show id's information?

Use a different controller to simplify this. The parameter :id can be accessed using $routeParams injected into controller.

angular    .module('swoleincApp')    .controller('ProfileCtrl', ['$scope', '$http','$routeParams', ProfileCtrl]);function ProfileCtrl($scope, $http, $routeParams) {    $http.get('storage/models.json').success(function(data) {        $scope.profile= data[$];    });}

Be sure to update your routing config for this controller.

Normally you would create a service to handle retrieving the data and storing it. Have left $http in for now to keep it simple.

Suggest going through the phoneCat tutorial on documentations site.Here's link to the routing section

All you need to do is to use the $RouteParams service. Here's the documentation on the AngularJS official website