AngularJS Search Change Event AngularJS Search Change Event angularjs angularjs

AngularJS Search Change Event

You should use $scope.$watch:

$scope.$watch(function(){ return $ }, function(){  // reaction});

See more about $watch in Angular docs.

If you are just looking for the addition of 'newview', to the query string the above code will work.

i.e. from http://server/page to http://server/page?newvalue

However, if you are looking for a change in 'newview' the above code will not work.

i.e from http://server/page?newvalue=a to http://server/page?newvalue=b

You will need to use the 'objectEquality' param to the call to $watch. This causes $watch to use value equality, instead of object reference equality.

$scope.$watch(function(){ return $ }, function(){  // reaction}, true);

Notice the addition of 3rd param (true).

You can listen for $routeUpdate event in your controller:

$scope.$on('$routeUpdate', function(){   $scope.sort = $;   $scope.order = $;   $scope.offset = $;});