Angularjs $state open link in new tab Angularjs $state open link in new tab angularjs angularjs

Angularjs $state open link in new tab

Update: OK, I just solved it using the following code:

var url = $state.href('myroute', {parameter: "parameter"});,'_blank');

I just tried this -- apparently, adding target="_blank" works with ui-sref:

<a ui-sref="routeHere" target="_blank">A Link</a>

Saves the trouble of adding code to your controller, and gives you the URL on hover as with any normal link. Win-win!

I had a similar issue, try this if nothing from previous answers work for you.

var url = '#' + $state.href('preview');,'_blank');

So basically while working in localhost, without appending '#' it was just redirecting to


, instead of


I'm not taking here about passing the data, just to open $state in new tab.