AngularJS 'this' reference in $timeout function not working AngularJS 'this' reference in $timeout function not working angularjs angularjs

AngularJS 'this' reference in $timeout function not working

You have 2 options:

1) Using bind() method of the function object:

Change the context of the timeout callback, to reach the controller this:

this.runTimeoutExample = function(){    $timeout(function(){        this.doSomething();    }.bind(this), 1000);}

2) Create a special variable self, to keep the link to main service function context:

var app = angular.module('test-module');app.service('ToolService', function($timeout){    var self = this;         self.doSomething = function() {       console.log("y u no referenced as method?!?");    }    self.runTimeoutExample = function(){        $timeout(function(){            self.doSomething();        }, 1000);    }})

If every time using self, you'll be sure that no context lost will happen.

Read more about the context of a function.

the function inside timeout has a different scope as it is not a function belonging to the controller. Assign this to a variable before timeout, and then use that variable:

var app = angular.module('test-module');app.service('ToolService', function($timeout){this.doSomething = function() {   console.log("y u no referenced as method?!?");}this.runTimeoutExample = function(){    var self = this;    $timeout(function(){        self.doSomething();    }, 1000);}})

var app = angular.module('test-module',[]);app.service('ToolService', function($timeout){   function doSomething() {       console.log("y u no referenced as method?!?");    }    this.runTimeoutExample = function(){        $timeout(function(){           doSomething();        }, 1000);    }}); app.controller('main-controller', function($scope, ToolService) {       $scope.somethingWasClicked = function() {            ToolService.runTimeoutExample();    };});
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="test-module" ng-controller="main-controller">    <input type="button" value="click" ng-click="somethingWasClicked()">    </div>