AngularJS + UI Bootstrap Typeahead: preload value from object into input field AngularJS + UI Bootstrap Typeahead: preload value from object into input field angularjs angularjs

AngularJS + UI Bootstrap Typeahead: preload value from object into input field

You can use the product object as ng-model. And then you can simply get the id use

Demo on jsFiddle

<div ng-controller="MyTabCtrl"> <pre>Model: {{ | json}}</pre>    <p>The goal is to show "Horay!" while the model is set to 1.</p>        <input type="text" autocomplete="off" ng-model="form.product" typeahead="option as for option in p.options | filter:$viewValue" />    <p>Try to write "Audi".</p></div>