AngularJS - Unknown provider configuring $httpProvider AngularJS - Unknown provider configuring $httpProvider angularjs angularjs

AngularJS - Unknown provider configuring $httpProvider

Because it's only possible to pass providers when configuring, i have finally done the overwrite of my http parameter not with a request transformer but by creating a service as factory to do requests.

Here is a code example of the service (not tested, just for information):

angular.module('myapp-http-request', []);angular.module('myapp-http-request').factory('MyRequests', function($http, $cookieStore){    return {        request: function(method, url, data, okCallback, koCallback){            $http({                method: method,                url: url,                data: data            }).success(okCallback).error(koCallback);        },        authentifiedRequest: function(method, url, data, okCallback, koCallback){            $http({                method: method,                url: url,                data: data,                headers: {'Authorization': $cookieStore.get('token')}            }).success(okCallback).error(koCallback);        }    }});

And example of usage (not tested, just for information):

angular.module('sharewebapp', ['myapp-http-request']).controller('MyController', ['MyRequests', function(MyRequests){    MyRequests.authentifiedRequest('DELETE', '/logout', '', function(){alert('logged-out');}, function(){alert('error');})}]);

You probably need to add the cookieStore

myApp.config(['$httpProvider', '$cookieStore', function($httpProvider, $cookieStore) 

I had ran into this same problem so i'll post how I got around it. I essentially used the $injector module to manual grab an instance of the service I needed. Note this also works for user defined services.

 angular.module('app'). config(config); config.$inject = ['$httpProvider']; function config($httpProvider) {  //Inject using the $injector  $httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$injector', function($injector){  return {    request: function(config) {      //Get access by injecting an instance of the desired module/service      let $cookieStore = $injector.get('$cookieStore');      let token = $cookieStore.get('your-cookie-name');      if (token) {        config.headers['x-access-token'] = token;      }      return config;    }  }}])}