Angularjs watch for change in parent scope Angularjs watch for change in parent scope angularjs angularjs

Angularjs watch for change in parent scope

If you want to watch a property of a parent scope you can use $watch method from the parent scope.

//intead of $scope.$watch(...)$scope.$parent.$watch('property', function(value){/* ... */});

EDIT 2016:The above should work just fine, but it's not really a clean design. Try to use a directive or a component instead and declare its dependencies as bindings. This should lead to better performance and cleaner design.

I would suggest you to use the $broadcast between controller to perform this, which seems to be more the angular way of communication between parent/child controllers

The concept is simple, you watch the value in the parent controller, then, when a modification occurs, you can broadcast it and catch it in the child controller

Here's a fiddle demonstrating it :

The part in the parent controller looks like that :

$scope.$watch('overlaytype', function(newVal, oldVal){    if(newVal!=oldVal)        $scope.$broadcast('overlaychange',{"val":newVal})});

and in the child controller :

$scope.$on('overlaychange', function(event, args){    console.log("change detected")    //any other action can be perfomed here});

Good point with this solution, if you want to watch the modification in another child controller, you can just catch the same event

Have fun

Edit : I didn't see you last edit, but my solution works also for the directive, I updated the previous fiddle ( )

I modified your directive to force it to create a child scope and create a controller :

directive('center',function($window){  return {    restrict : "A",    scope:true,    controller:function($scope){        $scope.overlayChanged={"isChanged":"No","value":""};        $scope.$on('overlaychange', function(event, args){        console.log("change detected")        //whatever you need to do    });  },link : function(scope,elem,attrs){  var resize = function() {    var winHeight = $window.innerHeight - 90,        overlayHeight = elem[0].offsetHeight,        diff = (winHeight - overlayHeight) / 2;        elem.css('top',diff+"px");  };  angular.element($window).bind('resize',function(e){    console.log(scope.$    resize();      });    }  };});

You should have the data property on your child scope, scopes use prototypal inheritance between parent and child scopes.

Also, the first argument the $watch method expects is an expression or a function to evaluate and not a value from a variable., So you should send that instead.