Applying filters on outputted HTML for AngularJS Applying filters on outputted HTML for AngularJS angularjs angularjs

Applying filters on outputted HTML for AngularJS

If you have a standard interpolation in your HTML, Angular will escape it:

<div> {{ var | filter1 | filter2 }} </div>

The result of the whole expression will be escaped.

What you want is ng-bind-html-unsafe (docs here). You can expression basically the same thing as above as:

<div ng-bind-html-unsafe='var | filter1 | filter2'></div>

Now the result of the expression won't be sanitized, and will be inserted as the contents of the div.

EDIT: Note that there's also ng-bind-html, which will still produce HTML, but will sanitize it first ($sanitize docs).

ng-bind-html lives in the ngSanitize module, so you'll have to make sure that you've declared it as a dependency in your angular.module call.