ASP.NET MVC Validation form with AngularJS ASP.NET MVC Validation form with AngularJS angularjs angularjs

ASP.NET MVC Validation form with AngularJS

As someone that's authored an ASP.Net/Angular website, I can tell you that you're going to be way better off stepping away from using Razor to render your HTML where you can.

In my projects I've set up one razor view to render my main page (I'm using a single page app written in Angular), then I have a folder of straight .html files that I use as my templates for Angular.

The rest is done in ASP.Net Web API calls in my case, but you can also use MVC action with JSON results.

As soon as I switched to this architecture, things went a lot more smoothly for me, development wise.

I agree with blesh idea about stepping away from razor, but you can create some tools for creating pages more rapid. IMHO it is better to use razor features where they needed instead of removing it from out toolset.

BTW have a look at ngval. It brings data annotations to client side as angularjs validators. It has an html helper and an angular module. I have to mention that project is in early development stages.

I wrote a directive to smooth out the transition from MVC to AngularJs. The markup looks like:

<validated-input name="username" display="User Name" ng-model="model.username" required>

Which behaves identically to Razor conventions, including delaying validation until after a field is modified. Over time, I've found maintaining my markup pretty intuitive and simple.

My article on the subject
