Call function on directive parent scope with directive scope argument Call function on directive parent scope with directive scope argument angularjs angularjs

Call function on directive parent scope with directive scope argument


You can also use & to bind the function of the root scope (that is actually the purpose of &).

To do so the directive needs to be slightly changed:

app.directive('toggle', function(){  return {    restrict: 'A',    template: '<a ng-click="f()">Click Me</a>',    replace: true,    scope: {      toggle: '&'    },    controller: function($scope) {      $scope.toggleValue = false;      $scope.f = function() {        $scope.toggleValue = !$scope.toggleValue;        $scope.toggle({message: $scope.toggleValue});      };    }  };});

You can use like this:

<div toggle="parentToggle(message)"></div>


You could bind the function using =. In addition ensure the property name in your scope and tag are matching (AngularJS translates CamelCase to dash notation).


scope: {  OnToggle: '&'}


scope: {  onToggle: '='}

Furthermore don't use on-toggle="parentToggle({value: toggleValue})" in your main template. You do not want to call the function but just passing a pointer of the function to the directive.
