Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values? Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values? angularjs angularjs

Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values?

It looks like Angular has support for this now.

From the latest (v1.2.0) docs for $routeProvider.when(path, route):

path can contain optional named groups with a question mark (:name?)

Like @g-eorge mention, you can make it like this:

module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {$routeProvider.  when('/users/:userId?', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})}]);

You can also make as much as u need optional parameters.

Please see @jlareau answer here:

You can use a function to generate the template string:

var app = angular.module('app',[]);app.config(    function($routeProvider) {        $routeProvider.            when('/', {templateUrl:'/home'}).            when('/users/:user_id',                 {                       controller:UserView,                     templateUrl: function(params){ return '/users/view/' + params.user_id;   }                }            ).            otherwise({redirectTo:'/'});    });