Can I debounce or throttle a watched <input> in AngularJS using _lodash? Can I debounce or throttle a watched <input> in AngularJS using _lodash? angularjs angularjs

Can I debounce or throttle a watched <input> in AngularJS using _lodash?

You can use ngModelOptions in Angular 1.3.0


<div ng-controller="Ctrl">  <form name="userForm">    Name:    <input type="text" name="userName"           ng-model=""           ng-model-options="{ debounce: 1000 }" />    <button ng-click="userForm.userName.$rollbackViewValue();''">Clear</button><br />  </form>  <pre> = <span ng-bind=""></span></pre></div>

More Info:

Is that what are you looking for?

$scope.$watch("id", _.debounce(function (id) {    // Code that does something based on $    // This code will be invoked after 1 second from the last time 'id' has changed.}, 1000));

Note, however, that if you want to change $scope inside that function you should wrap it $scope.$apply(...) as unless _.debounce function uses $timeout internally (which as far as I understand it doesn't do) Angular will not be aware of the changes you did on the $scope.


As to the updated question - yes you need to wrap the entire callback function body with


$scope.$watch("id", _.debounce(function (id) {    // This code will be invoked after 1 second from the last time 'id' has changed.    $scope.$apply(function(){        // Code that does something based on $    })}, 1000));

I know the question asks for a lodash solution. Anyway here is an angular only solution:

app.factory('debounce', function($timeout) {    return function(callback, interval) {        var timeout = null;        return function() {            $timeout.cancel(timeout);            var args = arguments;            timeout = $timeout(function () {                 callback.apply(this, args);             }, interval);        };    }; }); 

In the controller:

app.controller('BlaCtrl', function(debounce) {    $scope.$watch("id", debounce(function (id) {        ....    }, 1000));});