Can I pass parameters to a function debounced with _.lodash? Can I pass parameters to a function debounced with _.lodash? angularjs angularjs

Can I pass parameters to a function debounced with _.lodash?


You should pass an argument into the function: _.debounce(function (pid) {

An example with debounce

$scope.parsePid = _.debounce(function(pid){  $scope.$apply(function(){    if (pid === null || pid === "") {      $scope.pidLower = null;      $scope.pidUpper = null;    } else if (pid.indexOf("-") > 0) {      pid = pid.split("-");      $scope.pidLower = parseInt(pid[0],10);      $scope.pidUpper = parseInt(pid[1],10);          } else {      $scope.pidLower = parseInt(pid,10);      $scope.pidUpper = null;    }        });},1500);

I would use the built-in $timeout

An example with $timeout

var promise;$scope.parsePid = function(pid){  $timeout.cancel(promise);  promise = $timeout(function(){         if (pid === null || pid === "") {      $scope.pidLower = null;      $scope.pidUpper = null;    } else if (pid.indexOf("-") > 0) {      pid = pid.split("-");      $scope.pidLower = parseInt(pid[0],10);      $scope.pidUpper = parseInt(pid[1],10);          } else {      $scope.pidLower = parseInt(pid,10);      $scope.pidUpper = null;    }  },1500);};