canary --disable-web-security doesn't work any more for ajax requests in AngularJS project canary --disable-web-security doesn't work any more for ajax requests in AngularJS project angularjs angularjs

canary --disable-web-security doesn't work any more for ajax requests in AngularJS project


Working solution: use the command open -a Google\ Chrome\ Canary --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=$HOME/profile-folder-name.

Explanation: --disable-web-security now requires the use of the --user-data-dir flag.

Windows command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=%USERPROFILE%\profile-folder-name

This seems to be a bug only in Canary (works as expected in latest stable Chrome). Chrome sees the flag and displays the warning but fails to allow cross domain requests. It did work a couple of days ago.

I reported the issue:

Try to close the browser and open it with special argument again.

Canary is being updated often and when you accept to update it it restarts without special arguments.