catching Angular Bootstrap UI $uibModal closed event after the modal was closed catching Angular Bootstrap UI $uibModal closed event after the modal was closed angularjs angularjs

catching Angular Bootstrap UI $uibModal closed event after the modal was closed

Try this.

.open method returns a promise that could be chained with .closed which is one of the many properties of .open method.

I tested it and it shows the alert only after the modal has closed and not while it's 'closing'.

Refer the 'closed' under Return section here

var modalInstance = ${    templateUrl: "myModalContent.html",    controller: "termModalCtrl",    windowClass: 'app-modal-window',    resolve: {        'params': function () { return id }    }}).closed.then(function(){  window.alert('Modal closed');});

here is the plunker

Use modalInstance.result promise second callback to catch the closing event.I'm also getting exception 'Unable to get property 'then' of undefined or null reference' on .closed.then ,

 var modalInstance = ${    templateUrl: "myModalContent.html",    controller: "termModalCtrl",    windowClass: 'app-modal-window',    resolve: {        'params': function () { return id }    }});modalInstance.result   .then(function (selectedItem) {    //   }, function () {    //close callback'modal closed');   });