Chrome:POST/OPTIONS requests Fails with net::ERR_TIMED_OUT Chrome:POST/OPTIONS requests Fails with net::ERR_TIMED_OUT angularjs angularjs

Chrome:POST/OPTIONS requests Fails with net::ERR_TIMED_OUT

I've seen this issue when I use an authenticated proxy server and usually a refresh of the page fixes it.

Are you using an authenticated proxy server where you are seeing this behavior? Have you tried on a pc with direct access (i.e. without proxy) to the Internet?

I've got the same problem when I choose another ISP. I thought I would have only to put my new ID and password, but it wasn't the case.I have an ADSL modem with a dry loop.

All others services were fine (DNS resolution, IP telephony, FTP, etc).
I did a lot of tests (disable firewall, try some others navigator, try under Linux, modem default factory, etc) none of those tests were successful.

To resolve the problem ERR_TIMED_OUT, I had to adjust the MTU and MRU values. I put 1458 rather than 1492, which is the default value. It works for me. Maybe some ISPs use different values. Good luck.