Control or Disable Browser Back Button with Javascript or AngularJS [closed] Control or Disable Browser Back Button with Javascript or AngularJS [closed] angularjs angularjs

Control or Disable Browser Back Button with Javascript or AngularJS [closed]

If you are just using Javascript you can check how you can disable Back Button from this link:

But this code above will not work well with AngularJS because AngularJS uses URL_Hash # in the background, so here i will show how you can turn around:

In your main Javascript Code (Not inside AngularJS Code or controler), put the following code:

// *** Author: Wael Sidawi// ****  Deactive Back Button **** var history_api = typeof history.pushState !== 'undefined';// history.pushState must be called out side of AngularJS Codeif ( history_api ) history.pushState(null, '', '#StayHere');  // After the # you should write something, do not leave it empty

And now inside your AngularJS Controler put the following event listner:

/** * Event-Listner for Back-Button */$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, next, current){                // Here you can take the control and call your own functions:    alert('Sorry ! Back Button is disabled');    // Prevent the browser default action (Going back):    event.preventDefault();            });

I hope it could help you.

Best Regards
