Create a menu like in AngularJs Material website Create a menu like in AngularJs Material website angularjs angularjs

Create a menu like in AngularJs Material website

You can create your own side menu with their directives menuToggle and menuItem, and their menu service, which are found in their source files. I have used this menu in many projects, so I know it works. All you have to do is implement it the same way. I have wrote a blog post that goes through this found here:

How to create an Angular Material Side Menu

There are at least a few pre-built directives for this now... a couple of examples:

As @Splaktar says, you can wait for the official mdListiItem in milestone 0.9.0.

And you can also checkout the whole angular-material project source code and look into here or to build the docs.

First install or update your local project's npm tools:

# First install all the NPM tools:npm install# Or updatenpm update

Then run the gulp tasks:

# To build `angular-material.js/.css` and `Theme` files in the `/dist` directorygulp build# To build the Angular Material Docs and Demos in `/dist/docs` directorygulp docs

Then you should see the codes you need in 'docs.js', 'css/docs.css' and 'index.html' in the output folder 'dist/docs'.

The 'docs.js' in 'dist/docs' is different from the 'docs.js' in the origin 'docs' folder. Many codes are generated and concated together when you build the docs including those you need.

After you build the docs, the fastest way to get the codes you need is to search 'menuToggle' or 'menuLink' directive or 'menu' factory in 'dist/docs/docs.js'.

Hope this can help you.