creating and resolving promises in protractor creating and resolving promises in protractor angularjs angularjs

creating and resolving promises in protractor


For creating a promise in protractor, you have to write:

var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();var promise = deferred.promise;


The callbacks are invoked asynchronously.You can register one (or more) "on success" callbacks:

promise.then(function() {   ...});

you can also register one (or more) "on error" callback:

promise.then(null, function() {   ...});

These registrations could be chained:

promise.then(function() {   ...}).then(function() {   ...}).then(null, function() {   ...}).then(function() {}, function() {   ...}).then(onSuccess, onFailure);



The "on success" callbacks are invoked when the promise is resolved successfully:



The "on failure" callbacks are invoked when the promise is resolved successfully:

deferred.reject(new Error('a problem occurs'));

In your code

you missed the resolution step. You have to fulfill the promise.

A more complete reference is available in the Webdriver.js documentation

Here's a working example of a user-defined function for use in Protractor which creates and fulfills (or rejects) a promise:

// Get the text of an element and convert to an integer.// Returns a promise.function getTextAsInteger(element, radix) {  // Specify a default radix for the call to parseInt.  radix = radix || 10;  // Create a promise to be fulfilled or rejected later.  var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();  // Get the text from the element. The call to getText  // returns a promise.  element.getText().then(    function success(text) {      var num = parseInt(text, radix);      if (!isNaN(num)) {        // Successfully converted text to integer.        deferred.fulfill(num);      } else {        // Error converting text to integer.        deferred.reject('could not parse "$1" into an integer'          .replace('$1', text));      }    },    function error(reason) {      // Reject our promise and pass the reason from the getText rejection.      deferred.reject(reason);    });  // Return the promise. This will be resolved or rejected  // when the above call to getText is resolved.  return deferred.promise;}

The function takes element as an argument and calls its getText() method which itself returns a promise. On a successful call to getText(), parse the text as an integer and fulfill the promise. If getText() rejects, we pass the reason to our own reject call.

To use this function, pass in an element promise:

var numField = element('num-field'));getTextAsInteger(numField).then(    function success(num) {        console.log(num);    },     function error(reason) {        console.error(reason);    });


var numField = element('num-field'));expect(getTextAsInteger(numField)).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number));expect(getTextAsInteger(numField)).toBeGreaterThan(0);

I got the same issue and solved it by creating a promise for the expected item count:

it('should accept valid data for adding new store', function() {    // Given    let expectedCountAfterNewRow = items.count().then((cnt)=>{return cnt+1});     // Note: items.count() is a promise so the expected count should a promise too    // When    /* Code for adding test fields in store page */    // Then   expect(items.count()).toEqual(expectedCountAfterNewRow);});