django-rest pagination with angularjs django-rest pagination with angularjs angularjs angularjs

django-rest pagination with angularjs

Angular-ui has a pagination directive that I've used with Django Rest Framework before.

To load only X amount of items at a time I have done the following below. Note that I'm using the pagination to recreate the django admin feature in angular.

if request.GET.get('page'):       # Get the page number                         page = request.GET.get('page')    # How many items per page to display                     per_page = data['admin_attrs']['list_per_page']            begin = (int(page) - 1) * per_page                         end = begin + per_page                                     objects = MODEL.objects.all()[begin:end]               # Serializer for your corresponding itmes. This will grab the particular modelserializer                                                           serializer = serializer_classes[MODEL._meta.object_name](      objects, fields=admin_attrs['list_display']            )                                                          data['objects'] =                          return Response(data)         

My angular code to keep track of page and also allow back button functionality and also update the URL:

modelDetails Factory gets generates the url with the correct page number from pagination

app.factory('modelDetails', function($http, $q){                              data = {content: null}                                                                                                             var dataFactory = {}                                                      dataFactory.getObjects = function (app, model, page){                         var deferred = $q.defer()                                                 $http.get('api/admin/' + app + '/' + model + '/?page=' + page)                .success(function(result) {                                                   deferred.resolve(result);                                             });                                                                   return  deferred.promise                                              };                                                                        return dataFactory                                                    });    $scope.loadObjects = function () {                                                             modelDetails.getObjects(app, model, $scope.currentPage)                                    .then(function (data){                                                                         $scope.headers = data.headers;                                                             $scope.admin_attrs = data.admin_attrs;                                                     blank =  new Array()                                                                       list_display = data.admin_attrs.list_display                                               $scope.objects = convertObjects(data.objects, list_display)                                $scope.numPerPage = data.admin_attrs.list_per_page                                         $scope.currentPage = $stateParams.p                                                        $scope.maxSize = 20;                                                                       $scope.bigTotalItems = data.object_count;                                                  $scope.numPages = Math.ceil(data.object_count /                $scope.admin_attrs.list_per_page);     })                                                                                         .then( function (data) {                                                                       $scope.$watch('currentPage + numPerPage', function(oldVal, newVal) {                           var begin = (($scope.currentPage - 1) * $scope.numPerPage)                                 , end = begin + $scope.numPerPage;                                                         if(oldVal != newVal){                                                                          $'p', $scope.currentPage)                                              }                                                                                          $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(event) {                                     $scope.currentPage = $                                                      modelDetails.getObjects(app, model, $scope.currentPage)                                        .then( function (data) {                              // convertObjects just reorders my data in a way I want                                                                     $scope.objects = convertObjects(data.objects, list_display)                            });                                                                            });                                                                                    });                                                                                     });                                                                                   }