Dojo: loop with data binding Dojo: loop with data binding angularjs angularjs

Dojo: loop with data binding

First of all, congrats on coming over to the Dojo side. Yes AngularJS is extremely convenient for 2 way data bindings, but you'll soon find out that as an application grows more complex, you'll be needing the help of the powerful (and numerous) Dojo / Dijit / Dojox modules.

You are right dojo/Observable currently provides binding via store in Dojo. It can really achieve the same power as AngularJS. Checkout dgrid examples for a demo.

For convenience, a module has been made for binding in a format similar to Angular JS. Its called dbind. It can be used independently currently and will soon be integrated into Dojo's core. You should also check dojox/mvc/Bind