DomSanitizationService is not a function DomSanitizationService is not a function angularjs angularjs

DomSanitizationService is not a function

You have to import and provide the BROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS:

import { BROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS,          SafeResourceUrl,          DomSanitizationService } from '@angular/platform-browser';

and in your providers array:


UPDATE: for the final release things changed a little

import { __platform_browser_private__,          SafeResourceUrl,          DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

and add it to the providers like so:

providers: [ParcelsService, __platform_browser_private__, BROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS]

UPDATE FOR ANGULAR 4+: since Angular 4, there's some changes:

Now, you don't have to pass DomSanitizer to providers. You can import directly in your component and grab it in the component's constructor. Same goes for SafeResourceUrl.


  • __platform_browser_private__ is no longer in @angular/platform-browser.
  • BROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS is no longer in @angular/platform-browser. It is now implemented [as a provider] into BrowserModule which can be imported from @angular/platform-browser.
  • P.S. BrowserModule is usually added into your app.modulemodule's imports array.

Update for Angular 7: The export has been renamed eBROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS in angular/platform-browser/src/private_export.d.ts