Embedding Ember/Angular apps into pre-existing site Embedding Ember/Angular apps into pre-existing site angularjs angularjs

Embedding Ember/Angular apps into pre-existing site

For ember, the proper way is to insert into an existing div. You can declare the div to insert into when defining your ember app as such:

App = Ember.Application.create({    rootElement: '#divName'});

For AngularJS you only need to specify where you want the angular part of the code to be compiled.By adding:

<div ng-app='MyApplication'></div>

you include the app that you will then import at the end of the index.html file:

<script type='text/javascript' src='myApplication.js'></script>

Then in your application you can create your app and follow the AngularJS module structure from that point on.

var application = angular.module('myApplication', []);