ES6 angular-meteor ng-table getData function not called ES6 angular-meteor ng-table getData function not called angularjs angularjs

ES6 angular-meteor ng-table getData function not called

Apparently, you just need to return the data in getData. The old docs were using $defer.resolve and was not returning the resolved data. The current version (1.0.0) isn't using it anymore.

this.helpers({  items() {    return this.myService.getItems();  },  itemTableParams() {    const data = this.getReactively('items');    return new NgTableParams({      page: 1,      count: 10    }, {      total: data.length,      getData: (params) => {        const filteredData = filterData(data); // do something        return filteredData;      }    });  }});

The getData method isn't being called because you fetch the data asynchronously but use it synchronously. So when the controller is loaded initially, getData is called with unresolved data.

To fix this, you'll need to create the NgTableParams in the success callback of the data object:

data.$promise.then((data) => { // create NgTableParams here});