ES6 import syntax with Angular 1.5 UI Router ES6 import syntax with Angular 1.5 UI Router angularjs angularjs

ES6 import syntax with Angular 1.5 UI Router

You are referring to 'app' variable inside your 'login/login.ctrl.js' but the variable is not defined (because you are importing the controller before defining it).

EDIT: Anyway each module has its own scope so you can't refer to variable from different module this way.

The solution I have in my mind is following:

  1. Inside 'login/login.ctrl.js' create new module

    'use strict';import angular from 'angular';angular.module('ctrlsModule', [])    .controller('LoginCtrl', function () {    });
  2. Add the module as dependence of your main 'app' module

    'use strict';import angular from 'angular';import uiRouter from 'angular-ui-router';...import './login/login.ctrl.js';angular.module('app', [uiRouter, 'ctrlsModule', ...])    .config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {        $stateProvider             .state('login', {                url: '/login',                templateUrl: '...',                 controller: 'LoginCtrl',                controllerAs: 'login'             });    });

I haven't tested the code but I believe you can see what I mean. Not sure what you mean with the second question but controllerAs in ES6 should work the same way as in ES5.