Extending multiple recommended configurations in ESLint Extending multiple recommended configurations in ESLint angularjs angularjs

Extending multiple recommended configurations in ESLint

How can we use all the recommended configurations at the same time - the one that ESLint and all the used plugins ship with?

Your syntax is correct, and multiple extensions are loaded like this:

{  "extends": [    "eslint:recommended",    "plugin:protractor/recommended",    "plugin:jasmine/recommended",    "plugin:angular/recommended"  ]}

However, this requires that the plugins in question actually come bundled with recommended settings. eslint-plugin-angular does not, and you have to install it yourself:

npm install --save-dev eslint-config-angular

Change your eslint settings to

{  "extends": [    "eslint:recommended",    "plugin:protractor/recommended",    "plugin:jasmine/recommended",    "angular"  ]}

and it should work.