Filter results in angularjs based on select value Filter results in angularjs based on select value angularjs angularjs

Filter results in angularjs based on select value

You need to mention direct id in your filer like id that will look up through ourTeamCategories id & for more accurate result do add true at the end will ensure the exact matching rather than contains & also missed colon :

<li ng-repeat="cat in ourTeamCategories | filter : {id:}: true">


You are mixing up two approaches at the same time like ng-options with ng-repeat. I think you should stick with ng-options, so in your current ng-option which is setting title value in your ng-model

<select name="show-filter" ng-model="catFilter"    ng-options="category as category.title for category in ourTeamCategories"></select>

Forked Plunkr here

You need a colon after filter. Try this:

filter: {}