Form in iframe unable to regain focus with Angular and IE11 Form in iframe unable to regain focus with Angular and IE11 angularjs angularjs

Form in iframe unable to regain focus with Angular and IE11

I have no idea what causes this issue, probably IE quirk.Anyway, I found that it works just fine if you focus the iframe manually in JS but it must be in a $timeout.

I added an ng-init to the iframe that basically focuses the iframe manually.

.state('iFrame/:flag', {        url:'/iframe/:flag',        template: '<h4>Iframe</h4><p><iframe src="{{vm.url}}" ng-init="vm.init()" id="iframeID" frameborder="1" width="100%" scrolling="no"></iframe></p>',        controller: 'IFrameCtrlAs',        controllerAs: 'vm'    });

And here's the controller

function IFrameCtrlAs($stateParams, $location, $timeout) {    var vm = this;    if(!angular.isDefined($stateParams.flag)){        var reloadPath = $location.path() + '/true';        $location.path(reloadPath);    }    else{        vm.url = 'form.html';    }    vm.init = function(){            $timeout(function(){                        document.getElementById("iframeID").contentWindow.focus();                console.log("loaded")            })    }}

Of course, it might be cleaner to wrap this in a directive.