Get return value in callback Angular js Directive Get return value in callback Angular js Directive angularjs angularjs

Get return value in callback Angular js Directive

While calling the controller's function from inside a directive with an isolate scope, you need to pass an object:


<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ctrl">    <div abc-option get-display-name="getDisplayName(columnName)"></div></div>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);function ctrl($scope){    $scope.getDisplayName = function(columnName) {                return 'abc';    };}app.directive('abcOption', function($compile,$timeout) {    return {        restrict : 'A',        template : '<div class="filter-content">abc</div>',        replace : true,        scope : {            callBackMethod:'&getDisplayName'        },        link: function(scope,element,attrs){                        /* send an object to the function */            console.log(scope.callBackMethod({columnName:"hurray"}));                   }    };});


The answer from CodeHater works but is (just a little) confusing. So I updated it to make it easier to understand


<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ctrl">    {{returnVal}}    <div abc-option callback="setDisplayNameFn(mustBeTheSame)"></div></div>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);function ctrl($scope){    $scope.setDisplayNameFn = function(whatever) {                $scope.returnVal=  whatever;    };}app.directive('abcOption', function($compile,$timeout) {    return {        restrict : 'A',        template : '<div class="filter-content"><b>directive html<b></div>',        replace : true,        scope : {            callBackMethod:'&callback'        },        link: function(scope,element,attrs){                        /* send an object to the function */            console.log(scope.callBackMethod({mustBeTheSame:"value from directive"}));                   }    };});

updated fiddle