Google maps autocomplete, fix to the input Google maps autocomplete, fix to the input angularjs angularjs

Google maps autocomplete, fix to the input

I have the same problem. My solution was:

$('#inputContainer').scroll(function(){    //Set new top to autocomplete dropdown    newTop = $('#autocompleteInput').offset().top + $('#autocompleteInput').outerHeight();    $('.pac-container').css('top', newTop + 'px');  }});

This update the dropdown position when container scrolls.

I just encountered the same problem when I was implementing the Autocomplete on a form inside a scrollable modal. If you only have one Autocomplete object then the solution is relatively easy.

  1. First make sure that your element's parent has a relative position.
  2. Then you need to select the .pac-container and append it to the parent.

    $("#autocomplete").parent()    .css({position: "relative"})    .append(".pac-container");
  3. Finally set the .pac-container left and top position to be below your element. This needs to be done in a stylesheet with the !important declaration to ensure it overrides the inline styles set by Google's code.

    // these values will need to be calculated based on your layout.pac-container {    top: 40px !important;    left: 0px !important;}

This obviously wont work if you have multiple Autocomplete objects on a single page. Luckily I figured out a way to handle that scenario and recently published it in a jQuery plugin designed to make autocompleting address forms a breeze.

I got the solution check the example no issue with position bug when scroll

function initAutocomplete() {      //       //....add this code just before close function...    setTimeout(function(){                 $(".pac-container").prependTo("#mapMoveHere");            }, 300);}