Google maps setCenter is not centering the map correctly Google maps setCenter is not centering the map correctly angularjs angularjs

Google maps setCenter is not centering the map correctly

ngmap recently added 'custom-marker' for this kind of purpose.

With custom-marker, you can have fully working marker with html. It also responds to all events click, mouseover using google maps API.

This is the example.

And this is the code required,

As you see in the code, there is no Javascript required.

To center a marker, all the time, all you need to do is to add on-center-changed="centerCustomMarker()" to your map directive, and the following to your controller.

    $scope.centerCustomMarker = function() {      $;    }

I try different approach than you asked, but it may worth a try.


FYI, I am the creator of ngmap.