Horizontal ng-repeat(er) with new row breaks Horizontal ng-repeat(er) with new row breaks angularjs angularjs

Horizontal ng-repeat(er) with new row breaks

If you are working with Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS you can declare a new filter that will return one array of sub array slices and then do two ng-repeat.

It will look like that:

  <div class="row" ng-repeat="row in filtered = (arr | splitArrayFilter:3)">        <div class="col-md-4" ng-repeat="n in row">          <h3>{{n}}</h3>        </div>  </div>
app.filter('splitArrayFilter', function() {  return function(arr, lengthofsublist) {    if (!angular.isUndefined(arr) && arr.length > 0) {      var arrayToReturn = [];        var subArray=[];       var pushed=true;            for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){        if ((i+1)%lengthofsublist==0) {          subArray.push(arr[i]);          arrayToReturn.push(subArray);          subArray=[];          pushed=true;        } else {          subArray.push(arr[i]);          pushed=false;        }      }      if (!pushed)        arrayToReturn.push(subArray);      console.log(JSON.stringify(arrayToReturn));      return arrayToReturn;     }  }}); 

You can Find it on Plunker here: http://plnkr.co/edit/rdyjRtZhzHjWiWDJ8FKJ?p=previewfor some reason the view in plunker does not support bootstrap 3 columns but if you open it in embedded view or in browsers you can see that it works.

It was clever what you were doing with ng-class. I hadn't ever thought of using %2 within the expression there.

But for future reference, there is a slightly easier way to accomplish that: ng-class-even and ng-class-odd. It does the same thing as what you were doing, but just a bit cleaner:

<div ng-repeat="num in numbers" ng-class-even="'md-col-6'" ng-class-odd="'row'">    {{num}}</div>

But this doesn't resolve your problem. If I understand you correctly, you want a row, with two columns within that row. The easiest way I could think of is to split up the arrays. Put the repeat on the div, then have 2 span within the div. I think one of the issues that you had originally, is that you were repeating a single div, and trying to treat that block element as an inline


myApp.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope) {    $scope.evens = ["2","4","6","8","10","12","14"];    $scope.odds = ["1","3","5","7","9","11","13"];});


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">    <div ng-repeat="odd in odds" class="row">        <span class="span3">{{odd}}</span>        <span class="span2">{{evens[$index]}}</span>    </div></div>


Being that you're using version 1.1.5, that also opens you up to a new directive: ng-if! You could also use ng-switch to do some conditional logic displays.

You didn't include bootstrap in your fiddle, and for some reason I can't get jsFiddle to display bootstrap. So I created some temp CSS classes that would somewhat resemble bootstraps class="span"

No need to add .row class .. I did this:


<div ng-repeat="product in allProducts">  <div class="my-col-50">    <h1>{{product.title}}</h1>  </div></div>



and it's work like a charm.