How can i count the number of errors on Form? How can i count the number of errors on Form? angularjs angularjs

How can i count the number of errors on Form?

One way you could do this by using the specific count of a specific error criteria, required, pattern etc.. that are available as a part of form's $error[prop] array. In your case you could try using form.$error.required.length:-

<div ng-show="form.$submitted && form.$invalid">       Sorry but {{form.$error.required.length}} errors have been made.</div>


You could add a function on the controller which can determine the number of errors on the form and return it, and use it in the view to display the total error count.

 $scope.numberoferrors=function(form){    var count = 0,        errors = form.$error;     angular.forEach(errors, function(val){ if(angular.isArray(val)) {  count += val.length; }  });    //Object.keys(errors).forEach(function(key){ count += errors[key].length  }); //get count of all error categories from form    return count; };
