How can I use AngularJS filter in ngClass? How can I use AngularJS filter in ngClass? angularjs angularjs

How can I use AngularJS filter in ngClass?

In your case, you should use class instead of ng-class because you render the class name directly on the html without evaluation.

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">   <i class="{{phone.trueVal  | checkmark }}">{{phone.trueVal  | checkmark}}</i>   <i class="{{phone.falseVal | checkmark }}">{{phone.falseVal | checkmark}}</i></div>


This worked for me. Just stared with AngularJS so I'm not sure if the functionality was added as part of an update since this question is a couple years old.

ng-class="{ 'has-error': (login.form | validField:'username') }"

After adding the parentheses, it worked.