How do I use $timeout service in a Directive? How do I use $timeout service in a Directive? angularjs angularjs

How do I use $timeout service in a Directive?

link function isn't a correct place to inject dependency. It has defined sequence of parameter like I shown below. You can't put dependency there.

link(scope, element, attrs, controller, transcludeFn) {

Inject $timeout dependency in directive function.

(function() {  angular.module('github', [])    .directive('mynav', function($window, $timeout) { //<-- dependency injected here      return {

Then just use injected $timeout inside link function

$timeout(function() {    console.log(element.width());})

setInterval(function(){    // code here    $scope.$apply();}, 1000); 

$apply is included as a reminder that since this is an external jQuery call you need to tell angular to update the DOM.

$timeout being an angular version automatically updates the DOM

Just replace timeout with setinterval like below:

(function() {  angular.module('github', [])    .directive('mynav', function($window) {      return {        restrict: 'A',        link: function(scope, element, attrs, timeout) {          scope.navItems = [{            "name": "home"          }, {            "name": "link1"          }, {            "name": "link2"          }, {            "name": "link3"          }];          setInterval(function() { // replpace 'timeout' with 'setInterval'            console.log($(element).width());          })        }      }    });})();

Hope it works for you.