How should I make configurable modules in AngularJS How should I make configurable modules in AngularJS angularjs angularjs

How should I make configurable modules in AngularJS

It sounds like you're looking for a provider.

You should use the Provider recipe only when you want to expose an API for application-wide configuration that must be made before the application starts. This is usually interesting only for reusable services whose behavior might need to vary slightly between applications.

Here's a very basic example of a provider:

myMod.provider('greeting', function() {  var text = 'Hello, ';  this.setText = function(value) {    text = value;  };  this.$get = function() {    return function(name) {      alert(text + name);    };  };});

This creates a new service, just like you might with myMod.service or myMod.factory, but provides an additional API that is available at config time—namely, a setText method. You can get access to the provider in config blocks:

myMod.config(function(greetingProvider) {  greetingProvider.setText("Howdy there, ");});

Now, when we inject the greeting service, Angular will call the provider's $get method (injecting any services it asks for in its parameters) and gives you whatever it returns; in this case, $get returns a function that, when called with a name, will alert the name with whatever we've set with setText: {  greeting('Ford Prefect');});// Alerts: "Howdy there, Ford Prefect"

This is exactly how other providers, like $httpProvider and $routeProvider work.

For more information on providers and dependency injection in general, check out this SO question on dependency injection.