How to add line breaks within tooltip in angular material design How to add line breaks within tooltip in angular material design angularjs angularjs

How to add line breaks within tooltip in angular material design

Adding this CSS seems to work in your case (with the <br>s):

md-tooltip .md-content {    height: auto;}

I'm not sure why Angular-Material hard-coded the height to 22px. You'll need to check whether this change breaks other tooltips.

Or you can apply it specifically to this use case only by giving it a class, e.g. tt-multiline, so you can target it in CSS: .md-content {    height: auto;}

Edit: Starting from Angular-Material 1.1, some class names have changed to start with a underscore.

In this case use

md-tooltip ._md-content {    height: auto;}

and for specific class ._md-content {    height: auto;}

Since angular-material version >1.1.2 you can simply override .md-tooltip class:

.md-tooltip {    height: auto;}

And if you want to style a particular tooltip, add a custom class to md-tooltip element:


<md-tooltip class="tooltip-multiline">    I'm a multiline <br/> tooltip</md-tooltip>


.tooltip-multiline {  height: auto;}

both cases tested in angular-material 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 versions

Set the max-with's below to what ever you need. Now it will do automatic line breaks or put a <br/>into it.

md-tooltip .md-content {    height: auto !important;    max-width: 200px !important;    font-size: 13px !important;}md-tooltip {    height: auto !important;    max-width: 200px !important;    font-size: 13px !important;    overflow: visible !important;    white-space: normal !important;}md-tooltip ._md-content {    height: auto !important;    max-width: 200px !important;    font-size: 13px !important;}