How to bind data using angular js and datatable with extra row and column How to bind data using angular js and datatable with extra row and column angularjs angularjs

How to bind data using angular js and datatable with extra row and column

You can follow davidkonrad's answer in the comment just like following structure:


<table id="entry-grid" datatable="ng" class="table table-hover">            <thead>                <tr>                    <th>                        CustomerId                    </th>                    <th>Company Name </th>                    <th>Contact Name</th>                    <th>                        Phone                    </th>                    <th>                        City                    </th>                </tr>            </thead>            <tbody>                <tr ng-repeat="c in Customers">                    <td>{{c.CustomerID}}</td>                    <td>{{c.CompanyName}}</td>                    <td>{{c.ContactName}}</td>                    <td>{{c.Phone}}</td>\                    <td>{{c.City}}</td>                </tr>            </tbody>        </table>

Create controller in angular like this:

var app = angular.module('MyApp1', ['datatables']);app.controller('homeCtrl', ['$scope', 'HomeService',    function ($scope, homeService) {        $scope.GetCustomers = function () {            homeService.GetCustomers()                .then(                function (response) {                    debugger;                    $scope.Customers =;                });        }        $scope.GetCustomers();    }])


app.service('HomeService', ["$http", "$q", function ($http, $q) {    this.GetCustomers = function () {        debugger;        var request = $http({            method: "Get",            url: "/home/getdata"        });        return request;    }}]);

Instruct angular-dataTables to use the "angular way" by datatable="ng" :

<table id="entry-grid"    datatable="ng"    dt-options="dtOptions"    dt-columns="dtColumns"    class="table table-hover"></table> 

Then change dtColumns to address column indexes rather than JSON entries:

$scope.dtColumns = [   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(0).withTitle('').withOption('width', '2%'),   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(1).withTitle('User Name'),   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(2).withTitle('Email'),   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(3).withTitle('LoginID'),   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(4).withTitle('Location Name'),   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(5).withTitle('Role Name'),   DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(6).withTitle('Active').withOption('width', '7%') ];

You can skip the <thead> section entirely if you do as above. Finally I would reduce the two last redundant <td>'s to one :

<td class="center-text">  <span ng-show="user.IsActive == true" class="icon-check2"></span>  <span ng-show="user.IsActive == false" class="icon-close"></span></td>