How to bind title attribute value in ng-table How to bind title attribute value in ng-table angularjs angularjs

How to bind title attribute value in ng-table

I think you can use the ng-attr-title for that, so basicly your code remains the same, but just before 'title=' you add 'ng-attr-'. So your last line would like like: <td data-title="'Remarks'" sortable="'remarks'" ng-attr-title="{{doc.remarks}}">

I haven't tested this on table cells before, but theoretically it should do the trick :-)


See this working plunkr:

As you can see I made ng-table.js local, and then in index.html I put the ng-attr-title in front of the ng-table attributes.

Solution 1: Using plugin ['ui-bootstrap'].

You can use below code:


<head>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">    <script src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>    <script src="script.js"></script>  </head>

<body ng-app="myApp">    <table class="table" ng-controller="ctrl">        <thead>            <tr><th>column</th></tr>        </thead>        <tbody>            <tr>                <td>                    <span tooltip="that">this</span>                </td>            </tr>            <tr ng-repeat="foo in bar">                <td><span tooltip="{{foo.tooltip}}">{{foo.content}}</span></td>            </tr>        </tbody>    </table></body>

And in script file:

// Code goes herevar app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);app.controller('ctrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {    $ = [];    // doing something async (exec time simulated by setTimeout)    myAsyncFunc(function (bar) {        $scope.$apply(function() {             $ = bar;        });    });}]);var myAsyncFunc = function (done) {    // simulate some kind of timeout due to processing of the function    setTimeout(function () {        return done([{tooltip: 'this is the tooltip', content: 'this is the content'}]);    }, 500);};

here is the link for working plunker Click Here

Solution 2: (Without dependency injection)

Using Directive:


 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="">      <script src=""></script><script src=""></script><!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript --><script src=""></script><!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS --><script src="script.js"></script>

 <div ng-app="myApp">    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">        <li ng-repeat="item in items" >            <a rel="tooltip" tooltip="item.tooltip">{{}}</a>        </li>    </div></div>

Script part:

var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);function MyCtrl($scope) {    $scope.items = [{ name: "item 01", tooltip: "This is item 01 tooltip!"},                    { name: "item 02", tooltip: "This is item 02 tooltip!"},                    { name: "item 03", tooltip: "This is item 03 tooltip!"},                    { name: "item 04", tooltip: "This is item 04 tooltip!"},                    { name: "item 05", tooltip: "This is item 05 tooltip!"} ];    console.log("MyCtrl");}    myApp.directive('tooltip', function () {        return {            restrict:'A',            link: function(scope, element, attrs)            {                $(element)                    .attr('title',scope.$eval(attrs.tooltip))                    .tooltip({placement: "right"});            }        }    })

Link for Plunker for this solution Plunker

I have applied it on your code. Please see this plunker

As per your requirement, using ng-attr-title find the link of plunker

html has a element: <abbr>

<abbr title="{{doc.remarks}}">{{doc.remarks | limitTo: 15 }} {{doc.remarks.length > 15 ? '...' : ''}}</abbr>

It can display the 'title' of content when the mouse is moved on ''if you need it,you can use it.