How to cancel an $http request in AngularJS? How to cancel an $http request in AngularJS? angularjs angularjs

How to cancel an $http request in AngularJS?

This feature was added to the 1.1.5 release via a timeout parameter:

var canceler = $q.defer();$http.get('/someUrl', {timeout: canceler.promise}).success(successCallback);// later...canceler.resolve();  // Aborts the $http request if it isn't finished.

Cancelling Angular $http Ajax with the timeout property doesn't work in Angular 1.3.15. For those that cannot wait for this to be fixed I'm sharing a jQuery Ajax solution wrapped in Angular.

The solution involves two services:

  • HttpService (a wrapper around the jQuery Ajax function);
  • PendingRequestsService (tracks the pending/open Ajax requests)

Here goes the PendingRequestsService service:

    (function (angular) {    'use strict';    var app = angular.module('app');    app.service('PendingRequestsService', ["$log", function ($log) {                    var $this = this;        var pending = [];        $this.add = function (request) {            pending.push(request);        };        $this.remove = function (request) {            pending = _.filter(pending, function (p) {                return p.url !== request;            });        };        $this.cancelAll = function () {            angular.forEach(pending, function (p) {                p.xhr.abort();                p.deferred.reject();            });            pending.length = 0;        };    }]);})(window.angular);

The HttpService service:

     (function (angular) {        'use strict';        var app = angular.module('app');        app.service('HttpService', ['$http', '$q', "$log", 'PendingRequestsService', function ($http, $q, $log, pendingRequests) {   = function (url, params) {                var deferred = $q.defer();                var xhr = $.ASI.callMethod({                    url: url,                    data: params,                    error: function() {                        $log.log("ajax error");                    }                });                pendingRequests.add({                    url: url,                    xhr: xhr,                    deferred: deferred                });                            xhr.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXhr) {                                                            deferred.resolve(data);                    })                    .fail(function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {                        deferred.reject(errorThrown);                    }).always(function (dataOrjqXhr, textStatus, jqXhrErrorThrown) {                        //Once a request has failed or succeeded, remove it from the pending list                        pendingRequests.remove(url);                    });                return deferred.promise;            }        }]);    })(window.angular);

Later in your service when you are loading data you would use the HttpService instead of $http:

(function (angular) {    angular.module('app').service('dataService', ["HttpService", function (httpService) {        this.getResources = function (params) {            return'/serverMethod', { param: params });        };    }]);})(window.angular);

Later in your code you would like to load the data:

(function (angular) {var app = angular.module('app');app.controller('YourController', ["DataService", "PendingRequestsService", function (httpService, pendingRequestsService) {    dataService    .getResources(params)    .then(function (data) {        // do stuff        });        ...    // later that day cancel requests        pendingRequestsService.cancelAll();}]);})(window.angular);

Cancelation of requests issued with $http is not supported with the current version of AngularJS. There is a pull request opened to add this capability but this PR wasn't reviewed yet so it is not clear if its going to make it into AngularJS core.