How to create a responsive (varying column count) Angular-Material card grid How to create a responsive (varying column count) Angular-Material card grid angularjs angularjs

How to create a responsive (varying column count) Angular-Material card grid

You can use the material Grid-List, it allows for custom col-spans and animates the changes when the width changes.

I adapted the sample from the site and added md-card in the contents. Make sure to add layout-fill on the md-card.You can easily adapt the sample for your column count.

I also adapted your 5 card sample. You need to know the height of the cards in order to use the Grid-List, but you can easily achieve the 100% height on small screens. You can use ratios or fixed CSS heights for the rows and then it is your cards job to display the content in a flexible way.

<md-grid-list ng-app="app" layout-fill flex    md-cols-sm="1"    md-cols-md="2"    md-cols-gt-md="5"    md-row-height-sm="100%"    md-row-height="600px"    md-gutter="8px">    <md-grid-tile ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4,5] track by $index">        <md-card layout-fill>


If you are instead looking for some kind of staggered grid, then you have to add a library: angular-deckgrid, it just provides the grid layout, everything in the content is angular-material. Unlike angular-masonry this library doesn't have any dependencies. If you are not worried about adding jQuery and the like then you can also use angular-masonry.

<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="DeckController" flex layout="column">   <deckgrid class="deckgrid" flex source="data">       <md-card>

The important part for the deck layout is the CSS configuration. With this you configure the number of columns and their width. I have used a media query for the angular-material sm breakpoint to switch to single column layout.

.deckgrid::before {  content: '4 .column.column-1-4';  font-size: 0;  visibility: hidden;}.deckgrid .column {  float: left;}.deckgrid .column-1-4 {  width: 25%;}.deckgrid .column-1-1 {  width: 100%;}@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {  .deckgrid::before {    content: '1 .column.column-1-1';  }}

Edit 2:

There is also a masonry version which doesn't require jQuery and a simple directive to use it: angular-masonry-directive. Here is an example, it works similar to the other one.

if i understood your question right Then use this code and replace the hello with anything you like

<md-grid-list md-cols-lg="12" md-cols-gt-lg="15" md-cols-xs="3" md-cols-sm="6" md-cols-md="9" md-row-height-gt-md="1:1" md-row-height-md="1:1" md-row-height="1:2" md-gutter-gt-md="16px" md-gutter-md="8px" md-gutter="4px">            <md-grid-tile ng-repeat="contact in contacts" md-colspan="3" md-rowspan-gt-sm="4" style="background:red;">                hello            </md-grid-tile>        </md-grid-list>

If I understood the question right, this works like a charm:

<body ng-app="app" ng-cloak>  <div layout="column" layout-gt-sm="row" layout-wrap>  <div flex="25" flex-gt-sm="50" ng-repeat="i in [1,2, 3, 4, 5] track by $index">    <md-card>     <!--  You code-->    </md-card>  </div>  </div></body>

Plunker with multiple breakpoints : (resize the inner window, not the browser window)

The plunker has been updated to show cards with different height.
2 directives have been made, so the biggest height of all cards is kept in memory and this one is applied to all cards.