how to debug the js in jsfiddle how to debug the js in jsfiddle angularjs angularjs

how to debug the js in jsfiddle

The JavaScript is executed from the folder of the Sources tab of Chrome. You can add breakpoints to the index file shown in the Chrome screenshot below.

Debugging JSFiddle in Chrome

enter image description here

Use the debugger; statement in the code. The browser inserts a breakpoint at this statement, and you can continue in browser's debugger.

This should work atleast in chrome and firefox.

angular.module('app', ['appServices']).config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {    // *** Debugger invoked here    debugger;    $routeProvider.            when('/home', {templateUrl: 'home.html',   controller: HomeCtrl}).            when('/list', {templateUrl: 'list.html',   controller: ListCtrl}).            when('/detail/:itemId', {templateUrl: 'detail.html',   controller: DetailCtrl}).            when('/settings', {templateUrl: 'settings.html',   controller: SettingsCtrl}).            otherwise({redirectTo: '/home'});}]);

Something worth mentioning. If you are ever using chrome dev tools. Press ctrl+shift+F and you can search through all the files in the source.