How to detect multi finger touch in ionic app How to detect multi finger touch in ionic app angularjs angularjs

How to detect multi finger touch in ionic app

Look how 4-touch for reload is implemented in the Phonegap Developer App:

var currentTouches = {},    eventName = { touchstart: 'touchstart', touchend: 'touchend' };if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {    eventName = { touchstart: 'MSPointerDown', touchend: 'MSPointerUp' };}document.addEventListener(eventName.touchstart, function(evt) {    var touches = evt.touches || [evt],        touch;    for(var i = 0, l = touches.length; i < l; i++) {        touch = touches[i];        currentTouches[touch.identifier || touch.pointerId] = touch;    }});document.addEventListener(eventName.touchend, function(evt) {    var touchCount = Object.keys(currentTouches).length;    currentTouches = {};    if (touchCount === 4) {        evt.preventDefault();        window.location.reload(true);    }}, false);

Hope this helps.

I am not quite sure but you might try adding a jQuery plugin jGestures that enables you to add gesture events such as 'pinch', 'rotate', 'swipe', 'tap' and 'orientationchange' just like native jQuery events. Includes event substitution: a "tapone" event can be triggered by "clicking", a "swipe" by performing a swipe-ish mousegesture.

try this one for more

angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic']).controller('MainCtrl',  function($scope, $ionicGesture) {  $scope.messages = [];  var touchpad = angular.element(document.querySelector('#touchpad'));  var maxFingers = 10;  var fingers = [];  for(var i=0; i<maxFingers; i++)  fingers.push(angular.element(document.querySelector('#t'+i)))  $scope.touches = new Array;    var resetTransformations = function(){    for(var i=0;i<maxFingers;i++)      fingers[i].css({"transform": "translate3D(0px, 0px, 0px)"});  }    $ionicGesture.on('dragstart',                   function (event) {    $scope.messages.push({txt: "dragstart"});  }, touchpad);    $ionicGesture.on('dragend',                   function (event) {    $scope.messages.push({txt: "dragend"});  }, touchpad);  $ionicGesture.on('transformstart',                   function (event) {    $scope.messages.push({txt: "transformstart"});  }, touchpad);  $ionicGesture.on('transformend',                   function (event) {    $scope.messages.push({txt: "transformend"});  }, touchpad);    // keep track if a finger is released:   var fingersDown = 0;    // drag = 1 finger, transform = more  $ionicGesture.on('transform drag',                   function (event) {    if(fingersDown > event.gesture.touches.length)      resetTransformations();      fingersDown = event.gesture.touches.length;    $scope.touches = [];    var identifier = 0;    for(var i=0; i<event.gesture.touches.length; i++){      identifier = parseInt(event.gesture.touches[i].identifier);      $scope.touches[i] = {pageX: parseInt(event.gesture.touches[i].pageX), pageY: parseInt(event.gesture.touches[i].pageY), id: identifier};            fingers[identifier].css({"transform": "translate3D("+event.gesture.touches[i].pageX+"px, "+event.gesture.touches[i].pageY+"px, 0px)"});    }      $scope.$apply();  }, touchpad);     $ionicGesture.on('release',                   function (event) {    $scope.touches = [];    $scope.$apply();    $scope.messages.push({txt: "release"});    resetTransformations();  }, touchpad);    $ionicGesture.on('touch',                   function (event) {    $scope.messages.push({txt: "touch"});  }, touchpad);      });  
body {  cursor: url(''), auto;}.full{  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}h4.full{  color: #FFF;  position: absolute;  top: 0px;  left: 0px;  z-index: 10;  }.debug{  color: #fff;  padding-left: 10px;  font-size: 12px;  line-height: 12px;}.circle{  position: absolute;  color: #fff;  top: -44px;  left: 0px;  margin-left: -30px;  margin-top: -30px;  width: 60px;  height: 60px;  border-radius: 30px;  background: rgba(255,255,255,0.62);}#container{  padding-top: 38%;  z-index: 1;  position: absolute;  background: url("");  background-size: cover;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;  top: 0px;  left: 0px;}
<html ng-app="ionicApp">  <head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">        <title>VELOCITY + IONIC</title>        <!-- add touch emulation hold SHIFT-key while using the mouse -->    <script src=""></script>    <script>TouchEmulator();</script>    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">    <script src="//"></script>  </head>  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">        <ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">      <h1 class="title">TRACKING MANY FINGERS</h1>    </ion-header-bar>                 <ion-content class="full" scroll="false">       <h4 id="touchpad" class="full padding">Drag below with > 1 fingers.<br />Press and hold Shift + mouse key to emulate multitouch on a computer.</h4>      <div class="full world padding">        <div id="container">          <div class="debug" ng-repeat="touch in touches">            touches[{{$index}}] = FINGER <strong>{{}}</strong>:  ({{touch.pageX}},  {{touch.pageY}})          </div>          <div class="debug" ng-repeat="msg in messages">{{msg.txt}}</div>                    <div id="t0" class="circle">0</div>          <div id="t1" class="circle">1</div>          <div id="t2" class="circle">2</div>          <div id="t3" class="circle">3</div>          <div id="t4" class="circle">4</div>          <div id="t5" class="circle">5</div>          <div id="t6" class="circle">5</div>           <div id="t7" class="circle">7</div>           <div id="t8" class="circle">8</div>          <div id="t9" class="circle">9</div>                   </div>                 </div>               </ion-content>      </body></html>