How to get access to XHR in $http with Angular? How to get access to XHR in $http with Angular? angularjs angularjs

How to get access to XHR in $http with Angular?

Here the way of getting xhr object:


Normally, an AngularJS application uses the $http service to make calls to back-end services. Sometimes, however, we would like to have access to the underlying XMLHttpRequest object. I can come up with a few use-cases, but the most prominent one is probably being able to track progress of a long request, such as a file upload. To do that, we need to register an event listener on the XMLHttpRequest object for the event that is “in progress.” Surprisingly enough, Angular’s $http service does not in any way expose the underlying XMLHttpRequest object. So, we have to get creative. Here is one way to do it…

The $http service’s config object allows us to add headers to the HTTP request via its “headers” property. That means that at some point $http has to set those headers on the XMLHttpRequest object it uses. The way to do that is to use XMLHttpRequest’s setRequestHeader method. So the idea is to override the setRequestHeader method on the XMLHttpRequest’s prototype and use a special header name to introduce a hook. Let’s begin with that and create a simple Angular module that performs the method substitution in its configuration phase:

angular.module("bsworksXHR", []).config([    function() {        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = (function(sup) {            return function(header, value) {                if ((header === "__XHR__") && angular.isFunction(value))                    value(this);                else                    sup.apply(this, arguments);            };        })(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader);    }]);

Now, when we make an $http service call, we can add a header called “XHR” with a function value that will receive the XMLHttpRequest object as its only argument. For example, somewhere else in the application:

$http({    …    headers: {        …        __XHR__: function() {            return function(xhr) {                xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(event) {                    console.log("uploaded " + ((event.loaded/ * 100) + "%");                });            };        },        …    },    …}).success(…);

Hopefully, future versions of AngularJS will include some official way to access the low-level XMLHttpRequest object, even if limited, such as being able to register event listeners or translating the XMLHttpRequest events into Angular events. Until then, I am using the approach above in my apps.

This can serve you:

            $'', {parameter1:'parameter', parameter2: 'secondparameter'}).success(function (result) {                console.log(;            }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {                console.log(status);            }));

You can use $http config's eventHandlers property to register an XMLHttpRequest listener, which will give you the progress:

var onProgress = function(event) {    if ( {        var progress = event.loaded * 100 /;        // do stuff    }};$http({      method: 'POST',      url: upload_url,      data: fd,       headers: {'Content-Type': undefined},       transformRequest: angular.identity,      uploadEventHandlers: { progress: onProgress }      });

I think that should cover your use case. I think you can also use this inside of an event listener to get the XmlHttpRequest instance.