How to get Select2 tags initializing correctly with Angular UI when option groups are used? How to get Select2 tags initializing correctly with Angular UI when option groups are used? angularjs angularjs

How to get Select2 tags initializing correctly with Angular UI when option groups are used?

Download latest angular-ui select2 and update line 24:

repeatOption = tElm.find( 'optgroup[ng-repeat], optgroup[data-ng-repeat], option[ng-repeat], option[data-ng-repeat]' );

Now its supports option groups.

Well i've gotten to the same obstacle and want to share my solution. Select2 was not watching the optgroup ng-repeat attribute. You have to add this to your angular ui select2 directive.

Change this:

repeatOption = tElm.find('option[ng-repeat], option[data-ng-repeat]');

To that:

repeatOption = tElm.find('optgroup[ng-repeat], optgroup[data-ng-repeat], option[ng-repeat], option[data-ng-repeat]');

Not sure if this is a clean solution but it works for me.

Github issue

select2 supports <optgroup> through hierarchical data, you can to pass-through a structured object as data instead of using ng-repeat, see
Also search for "Example Hierarchical Data" in the page.


$scope.model = {    data: [        // both 'id' and 'text' are needed unless you write custom functions        { text: 'cat1', children: [{id: 1, text: 'one'}] },        { text: 'cat2', children: [{id: 2, text: 'two'}] }    ]];


<input type="hidden" multiple ui-select2="model"     ng-model="selectedOptions" style="width: 300px">

selectedOptions will be an array of objects: [ {id: 1, text: 'one'} ].

For pass-through via the directive, see Angular UI's demo:

EDIT: update code and reference to site