How to prevent element show before AngularJS initialized( ng-show ) How to prevent element show before AngularJS initialized( ng-show ) angularjs angularjs

How to prevent element show before AngularJS initialized( ng-show )

Unless you want to show a loader, ng-cloak should be your solution.

Official documentation on ng-cloak

If you still have the issue, you may try to add the css to hide element with ng-cloak inside your html to be sure the browser has it in time.

If you do that, choose on way to add the ng-cloak.For example add it as class:

<div ng-show="condition" class="ng-cloak">...</div>

And add this into your html head tag:

<style> .ng-cloak { display: none !important; } </style>

In case you want to just avoid showing something till it's ready to be shown (some data has been loaded from the backend perhaps) then it's better to use ng-if. Ofcourse it works the same with ng-show. But the advantage of using ng-if is that you delay the creation of the extra DOM until it needs to be shown and as a result you improve the intial page loading time.

Here is an example:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);   myApp.controller("myController", function ($scope, $timeout) {    $scope.isLoading = false;    $ = null;        simAsync();    //simulate async task like http request    function simAsync() {        //loadind data has started        $scope.isLoading = true;        $timeout(function () {            $ = [{                "firstname": "Sims",                    "lastname": "Wilkerson"            }, {                "firstname": "Kelli",                    "lastname": "Vazquez"            }, {                "firstname": "Mcdonald",                    "lastname": "Byrd"            }, {                "firstname": "Taylor",                    "lastname": "Frost"            }, {                "firstname": "Merle",                    "lastname": "Adkins"            }, {                "firstname": "Garrett",                    "lastname": "Hood"            }];            //the data has loaded            $scope.isLoading = false;        }, 1500);    }});
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">    </div>