How to reload angularJs ng-table How to reload angularJs ng-table angularjs angularjs

How to reload angularJs ng-table

I was having a very similar problem where my table was rendering but not reloading upon an action. What you need to do is to reload $scope.tableParams every time your button is clicked. A simple way to do this is to wrap $scope.tableParams.reload() in a function, and then call that function when the button is clicked.

controller code:

$scope.doSearch = function () {    $scope.tableParams.reload();}

html code:

<button ng-click="doSearch()">Search</button>

I resolved finally the problem.

When I received the update data for the table it's necessary reload the table as follows:

$scope.tableData = data;$$scope.tableData.length);$scope.tableParams.reload();

in case anyone else hits this. I created my own filter that creates a new size array.

I used


to update the length before reloading the table.