How to remove all cookies in Angularjs? How to remove all cookies in Angularjs? angularjs angularjs

How to remove all cookies in Angularjs?

Ok, obviously this may not be the best solution, but I've find a workaround:

angular.forEach($cookies, function (v, k) {    $cookieStore.remove(k);});

But I'ld still appreciate if there's a better solution. I'm really curious about why there isn't a built-in $cookieStore.removeAll() method...

Requires the ngCookies module to be installed.


With the 1.4 version, $cookieStore is deprecated. Instead you can use $cookies service. Get all cookies with $cookies.getAll() and remove each with $cookies.remove('key').

var cookies = $cookies.getAll();angular.forEach(cookies, function (v, k) {    $cookies.remove(k);});

In case you are on this page and you working on an old project that uses angular 1.3.x or less, you can simply use this

$cookies.cookieKey = undefined;delete $cookies['cookieKey'];